Crop mixtures offer multiple advantages over mono-cropping. Newly developed advanced data acquisition and data analysis tools provide new insights into interactions and mechanisms in crop mixtures. This leads to a set of clearly identified, compatible crop partners. The new tools also allow for plants to be optimally allocated in field patches and for novel technologies to maintain such field patches. This results in ideal field sizes, shapes, and settings with regard to the ecosystem, biodiversity, resource use, and resource efficiency.

Research Videos

Estimating yield responses to climate variability and extreme events

Estimating yield responses to climate variability and extreme events

Prof. Dr. Frank Ewert is Professor and head of the Crop Science Group, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES) University of Bonn and Scientific Director of Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Webber H, Lischeid G, Sommer M, Finger R, Nendel C, Gaiser T, Ewert F. 2020. No perfect storm for crop yield failure in Germany. Environmental Research Letters 15 (10): 104012. doi: Lischeid G, Webber H, Sommer M, Nendel C, Ewert F. 2022. Machine learning in crop yield modelling: A powerful tool, but no surrogate for science. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 312, 108698. doi:

Deep Generative Models for Agriculture

Deep Generative Models for Agriculture

Ribana Roscher, Professor of Data Science for Crop Systems, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG-2), Forschungszentrum Jülich, and Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG), University of Bonn gives a PhenoRob Interdisciplinary Lecture [PILS] on the topic of deep generative models for agriculture.

Controlled Multi-modal Image Generation for Plant Growth Modeling

Controlled Multi-modal Image Generation for Plant Growth Modeling

Prof. Dr. Ribana Roscher is Professor of Data Science for Crop Systems, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG-2) at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG), University of Bonn M. Miranda, L. Drees and R. Roscher, “Controlled Multi-modal Image Generation for Plant Growth Modeling,” in 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2022 pp. 5118-5124. doi: 10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956115

Gamma Spectrometry and XRFA for Soil Analysis

Gamma Spectrometry and XRFA for Soil Analysis

PhenoRob PhD Student Daniel Pfarr talks about his research within Core Project 5: New Field Arrangements.

Faces of PhenoRob: Ribana Roscher

Faces of PhenoRob: Ribana Roscher

In Faces of PhenoRob, we introduce you to some of PhenoRob’s many members: from senior faculty to PhDs, this is your chance to meet them all and learn more about the work they do! In this video, you’ll meet Ribana Roscher, Professor of Data Science for Crop Systems at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Modern Sensing Applications for Analysing Plant Physiology and Interaction in Mixed Cropping

Modern Sensing Applications for Analysing Plant Physiology and Interaction in Mixed Cropping

PhenoRob PhD Student Julie Kraemer talks about her research within Core Project 1 ” 4D Crop Reconstruction” and Core Project 5 “New Field Arrangements”.

Faces of PhenoRob: Ixchel Hernández-Ochoa

Faces of PhenoRob: Ixchel Hernández-Ochoa

In Faces of PhenoRob, we introduce you to some of PhenoRob’s many members: from senior faculty to PhDs, this is your chance to meet them all and learn more about the work they do! In this video, you’ll meet Ixchel Hernández-Ochoa, PhenoRob Postdoctoral Researcher.

Observing and Modelling Crops in Diverse Cropping Systems

Observing and Modelling Crops in Diverse Cropping Systems

PhenoRob Junior Research Group Leader Sabine Seidel talks about her research that she is doing together with her PhD Students Sofia Hadir and Dereje T. Demie within Core Project 5: New Field Arrangements.

Faces of PhenoRob: Frank Ewert

Faces of PhenoRob: Frank Ewert

In Faces of PhenoRob, we introduce you to some of PhenoRob’s many members: from senior faculty to PhDs, this is your chance to meet them all and learn more about the work they do! In this video, you’ll meet Frank Ewert, Professor and Head of the Crop Science Group, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn and Scientific Director of Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).

Image-based Crop Growth Prediction

Image-based Crop Growth Prediction

PhenoRob PhD Student Lukas Drees talks about his research within Core Project 5: New Field Arrangements.

Large Field Trials as Platforms to Develop Digital Tools for Intercropping

Large Field Trials as Platforms to Develop Digital Tools for Intercropping

PhenoRob PhD Student Madhuri Paul talks about her research within Core Project 5: New Field Arrangements.

Time Dependent Image Generation of Plants from Incomplete Sequences with CNN-Transformer by L. Drees

Time Dependent Image Generation of Plants from Incomplete Sequences with CNN-Transformer by L. Drees

This short trailer is based on the following publication: L. Drees, I. Weber, M. Russwurm, and R. Roscher, “Time Dependent Image Generation of Plants from Incomplete Sequences with CNN-Transformer,” in DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition , 2022, pp. 495-510. doi: Full text available here:

Mixture X Genotype Effects in Cereal/Legume Intercropping by Demie et al.

Mixture X Genotype Effects in Cereal/Legume Intercropping by Demie et al.

This short trailer is based on the following publication: D. Demie, T. Döring, M. Finckh, W. van der Werf, J. Enjalbert, and S. Seidel, “Mixture X Genotype Effects in Cereal/Legume Intercropping,” Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 13, 2022. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846720 Full text available here:

Improving Agro-Ecosystem Models to Explore the Dynamics of Newly Diversified Field Arrangements

Improving Agro-Ecosystem Models to Explore the Dynamics of Newly Diversified Field Arrangements

PhenoRob PhD Student Ixchel Hernandez talks about her research within Core Project 5: New Field Arrangements.

Lukas Drees - Temporal Prediction & Evaluation of Brassica Growth in the Field using cGANs (Trailer)

Lukas Drees – Temporal Prediction & Evaluation of Brassica Growth in the Field using cGANs (Trailer)

Watch the full presentation:

Evaluation of multiple spring wheat cultivars in diverse intercropping systems

Evaluation of multiple spring wheat cultivars in diverse intercropping systems

Madhuri Paul is a PhD student at the Institute Agroecology and Organic Farming, University of Bonn. M. R. Paul, D. T. Demie, S. J. Seidel, and T. F. Döring, “Evaluation of multiple spring wheat cultivars in diverse intercropping systems,” European Journal of Agronomy, vol. 152, p. 127024, 2024. [doi:]

S. Seidel - R. Roscher, University of Bonn (08.09.2023)

S. Seidel – R. Roscher, University of Bonn (08.09.2023)

38th PhenoRob Seminar Series with Sabine Seidel and Ribana Roscher (University of Bonn) on “Can AI help quantify pollinator ecosystem services”

Effects of spring wheat / faba bean mixtures on early crop development

Effects of spring wheat / faba bean mixtures on early crop development

Madhuri Paul is a PhD student at the Institute Agroecology and Organic Farming, University of Bonn. M. R. Paul, D. T. Demie, S. J. Seidel, and T. F. Döring, “Effects of spring wheat / faba bean mixtures on early crop development,” Plant and Soil, 2023. [doi:10.1007/s11104-023-06111-6]